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Transport Disadvantage and Indigenous Australians

  • Author(s): Currie, G, Senbergs, Z
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: Monash University ePress

This chapter provides a review of transport disadvantage in the context of Indigenous Australians with a more specific focus on remote Australia. It identifies transport related disadvantages associated with Indigenous…

A review of sampling designs for the measurement of soil organic carbon in Australian grazing lands

  • Author(s): Allen, D.E., Pringle, M.J., Page, K.L., Dalal, R.C.
  • Published: 2010

The accurate measurement of the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in Australian grazing lands is important due to the major role that SOC plays in soil productivity and the potential…

Climate Change in the Northern Territory

  • Author(s): Hennessy, K., C. Page, K. McInnes, K. Walsh, B. Pittock, J. Bathols, R. Suppiah
  • Published: 2004
  • Publisher: CSIRO

This report presents results of a project undertaken by CSIRO for the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment to assess observed and projected climate change over the Territory,…

Indigenous/Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property

  • Author(s): Anderson, Jane E.
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Centre for the Study of the Public Domain, Duke University School of Law

The relationship between indigenous/traditional knowledge and intellectual property law is a complicated contemporary legal problem. Questions around indigenous knowledge protection present issues unlike any other that intellectual property law has…

Ability of global climate models at a regional scale over Australia

  • Author(s): Perkins, S.E., Pitman, A.J., Holbrook, N.J., McAneney, J.
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: DKCRC

We evaluate the coupled climate models used in the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Our evaluation is focused on twelve regions of Australia for…

Climate change impacts

  • Author(s): Hennessy, Kevin
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: CSIRO Publishing

The impacts of climate change are already clearly visible in Australia. Further impacts predicted to occur in the future will be experienced across all sectors of the economy and in…

The Cultural Interface

  • Author(s): Nakata, M
  • Published: 2007

For a while now I have been researching and writing about Australian Indigenous education issues. Like you all, I have seen much good work and learnt much from what is…

Land management for emissions offsets on Indigenous lands

  • Author(s): Heckbert, S. , Davies, J. , Cook, G. , McIvor, J. , Bastin, G. , Liedloff, A.
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems

This report describes research on the possible generation of greenhouse gas offsets derived from Indigenous land management. Land management practices can sequester carbon or change emissions regimes, and with access…

Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches

  • Author(s): Neuman, WL.
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Pearson

Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 7e is a highly regarded text that presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research with…

The Aboriginal Practitioner as Communication Mediator in Intercultural Bureaucratic Encounters

  • Author(s): Firkins, Arthur S
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Ninti One Limited

Governments in Australia have deployed Aboriginal specific positions within government departments which focus on health, education and welfare services. This small-scale study uses a qualitative interpretive interview approach to explore…