Land management for emissions offsets on Indigenous lands

Land management for emissions offsets on Indigenous lands Project Resources

DKCRC Working Paper, The Central Australian Grazing Strategies project Working Paper Series

  • Author(s): Heckbert, S. , Davies, J. , Cook, G. , McIvor, J. , Bastin, G. , Liedloff, A.
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
  • Volume: 53

Abstract: This report describes research on the possible generation of greenhouse gas offsets derived from Indigenous land management. Land management practices can sequester carbon or change emissions regimes, and with access to markets, a change in carbon stocks or emissions may be sold as an offset. Biophysical, economic, and institutional conditions set limits to these possibilities. Research was undertaken as a scoping study to build capacity within CSIRO to assess opportunities for greenhouse gas offsets from Indigenous land management. We explore the premise that engaging with markets through providing offsets is a potentially profitable and desirable opportunity for Indigenous enterprises. This study focuses on fire management in savannas, reforestation of cleared land, and grazing land management. Experiences gained during this scoping study serve to guide CSIRO’s future research agenda, and contribute to the discussion regarding the financial viability of offset projects, rather than presenting definite conclusions about their profitability.

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