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Climate Change in the Northern Territory

  • Author(s): Hennessy, K., C. Page, K. McInnes, K. Walsh, B. Pittock, J. Bathols, R. Suppiah
  • Published: 2004
  • Publisher: CSIRO

This report presents results of a project undertaken by CSIRO for the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment to assess observed and projected climate change over the Territory,…

Indigenous/Traditional Knowledge & Intellectual Property

  • Author(s): Anderson, Jane E.
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Centre for the Study of the Public Domain, Duke University School of Law

The relationship between indigenous/traditional knowledge and intellectual property law is a complicated contemporary legal problem. Questions around indigenous knowledge protection present issues unlike any other that intellectual property law has…

Climate change impacts

  • Author(s): Hennessy, Kevin
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: CSIRO Publishing

The impacts of climate change are already clearly visible in Australia. Further impacts predicted to occur in the future will be experienced across all sectors of the economy and in…

Land management for emissions offsets on Indigenous lands

  • Author(s): Heckbert, S. , Davies, J. , Cook, G. , McIvor, J. , Bastin, G. , Liedloff, A.
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems

This report describes research on the possible generation of greenhouse gas offsets derived from Indigenous land management. Land management practices can sequester carbon or change emissions regimes, and with access…

The Aboriginal Practitioner as Communication Mediator in Intercultural Bureaucratic Encounters

  • Author(s): Firkins, Arthur S
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Ninti One Limited

Governments in Australia have deployed Aboriginal specific positions within government departments which focus on health, education and welfare services. This small-scale study uses a qualitative interpretive interview approach to explore…

Tipping points: what participants found valuable in labour market training programmes for vulnerable groups

  • Author(s): Graham, John R, Jones, Marion E, Shier, Micheal
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Ninti One Limited

This article is based on face-to-face and focus group interviews with 72 people who have experienced ongoing difficulties integrating into Canadian labour markets, and who had completed a labour market…

‘Getting A Job’: Aboriginal Women’s Issues and Experinces in the Health Sector

  • Author(s): Fredericks, Bronwyn
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: Ninti One Limited

Indigenous participation in employment has long been seen as an indicator of Indigenous economic participation in Australia. Researchers have linked participation in employment to improved health outcomes, increased education levels…

Aboriginal assets: The impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia

  • Author(s): Prout Quicke, S, Dockery, A. M., Hoath, A
  • Published: 2017
  • Publisher: Curtin University and University of Western Australia

There is considerable uncertainty surrounding population estimates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians at both the aggregate and subregional levels. Given well-documented limitations of efforts to enumerate the existing…

Climate Change and Infectious Diseases in Australia: Future Prospects, Adaptation Options, and Research Priorities

  • Author(s): Harley, David, Peng Bi,, Hall, Gillian, Swaminathan, Ashwin, Shilu Tong,, Williams, Craig
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Desert Knowledge CRC

Climate change will have significant and diverse impacts on human health. These impacts will include changes in infectious disease incidence. In this article, the authors review the current situation and…

The Queensland Renewable Energy Plan

  • Author(s): Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation Queensland,
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation

The Queensland Renewable Energy Plan is a comprehensive economic and industry development strategy aimed at accelerating the growth of the renewable energy sector in Queensland. The Plan is broad in…