Remote Australia Online Atlas (RAO Atlas) is an online tool produced by Ninti One to provide detailed data about remote Australia in a visual form.
This resource takes datasets from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and converts them into visual interactive maps displaying trends of all 194 Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) of remote and very remote Australia. It uses ABS census data from 2001, 2006 and 2011 to enable the trends to be compared across difference timeframes.
Four major themes: Demographics, Lifestyle, Labourforce and Business across remote Australia are illustrated with hundreds of datasets.
Whether your interest in remote Australia centres on a certain topic or is based on a geographical region, Ninti One’s RAO Atlas can help you find a wealth of relevant data to suit any need.
In the each of the main Atlas screens, you will see a series of interactive windows. These provide different types of data:
First, select one of four themes Demographics, Lifestyle, Labourforce and Business.
Use the buttons in the upper right corner of the Atlas window to change your choice.
Each interactive data window in the RAO Atlas can be:
Various other options, such as exporting, printing, filtering, etc. can be accessed by right-clicking in each window.
There are many ways to work with the data:
The data button in the upper left corner opens a window that displays categories and sub-categories of data that can be selected (expand by clicking). In most instances, you will see a date or value range next to a page symbol.
Click on the page symbol to get an explanation of what the data represents.
Click on the date range of interest, which will update the map and data table accordingly.
You can filter the information in each individual window, which will update in the other windows to correspond. For example, if you click on a region in the map of Australia, the data in the other windows will update to match the new data set you’re interested in.
Using the map of Australia (centre)
The map displays the statistical local areas. Each one is colour-coded in accordance with the value ranges attributed to each location for the data set being viewed. Click on any region of interest to view data attributed to it.
Alternatively, you can hover over data in the other windows, and the corresponding areas on the map will be highlighted.
Using the data window (centre left)
The RAOA accesses a huge data resource. In the data window the user can select the required information to be displayed on the map, in the data table and in charts.
The Data button opens a dialogue box which lists the various sub-theme data categories that are available, and within each of those the user can select from a number of specific data sets as listed.
Adjacent to the data set names is a link (the page symbol) to a document file which provides an explanation about the data.
Using the data table (centre right)
This table provides the details of each location for the selected data set:
Only one data column is provided in the mobile devices version and in some themes on the desktop version.
Clicking on the column header of any of the right-hand columns reorders the data in both ascending and descending order (and sorts the other related columns accordingly)
On the far right-hand side of the table is a scroll bar to move up and down through all the data (desktop version only).
Using the pie chart (bottom left)
This shows the relative sizes of each value range. Moving the cursor over each segment reveals the percentage of the total that each range constitutes, and corresponding data in the other windows is highlighted.
Using the bar chart (bottom centre)
This chart displays the data of all SLAs in increasing order, with the associated colour code value range group. Moving the cursor over the bar chart identifies each location on the map, as well as its specific data in the other windows.
Using the series chart (bottom right)
Where applicable, this chart shows the change in a data series or time (from 2001 to 2011) for the data set in question. When you move the cursor over the bar chart, the plot shows the changes for each SLA, and for multiple SLAs if selected.
When you move the cursor over the pie chart segments, the series chart plots the changes for all the locations in the respective value range. This chart also provides more detailed plots of the relationships between the value ranges when used in conjunction with filtering.
Filtering data is useful when you want more detailed analyses of specific groups of data. You can filter data in RAO Atlas by:
Exporting is possible in the desktop version.
Obtain images of the home page or of individual enlarged windows by right-clicking and selecting Export then choosing the required options. Images can be exported as JPG and PNG format, but editable data cannot be downloaded.
Similarly, images can be printed, either from the home screen or from an enlarged single window directly by right-clicking and selecting Print Preview and choosing the required options
RAO Atlas also offers a variety of advanced features (some are only available in the desktop version), for example: