The SCfC Knowledge Sharing Seminar
The Stronger Communities for Children (SCfC) Knowledge Sharing Seminar was held in Darwin on the 29 and 30 October 2019. 71 participants attended representing 10 communities across the NT and from NIAA. Ninti One would like to thank everyone for their contribution to the seminar, the enthusiasm that filled the sessions and the support and appreciation provided across the two days for the SCfC program. Watch this space for more photos to come!
The 8th SNAICC National Conference, Adelaide
SNAICC have provided a wrap-up of the successful recent conference in Adelaide. Read more about the conference here.
Congratulations to Taren Williams, Marsha Riley (Ntaria), Natasha Rami, Rayleen Woods (Ngukurr), Sharon Forrester and Steve Fisher (Ninti One) who presented on behalf of the SCfC program at the SNAICC Conference on 4 September in Adelaide. The presentation was well received with people paying compliments to the presenters after the session. The conference was a good opportunity to share with others how partnerships are best made, the importance of collaboration and appreciation of the many hats that community members wear when working in and with their communities. Thank you to all who provided support for the presentation to take place, it was a team effort from all.
We made it for ourselves: Local Community Boards Driving Change
This video was made from interviews filmed at the March KSS in Alice Springs with SCfC Local Community Board Members and Facilitating Partners. Ninti One would like to thank everyone for sharing their stories and the changes happening within their communities. Please share with others. See the YouTube video.