The Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project

The Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project Report

  • Author(s): CSIRO
  • Published: Various

Abstract: CSIRO’s Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY) project provides critical information on historical, recent and likely future water availability in a part of Australia that is renowned for its high rainfall, pristine tropical environments and relatively low development. This information will help governments, industry and communities consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of the sustainable use and management of the water assets of Northern Australia. Funded by the National Water Commission, the project resulted from a March 2008 decision by the Council of Australian Governments for a comprehensive scientific assessment of water yield in all major water systems across the country. Timor Sea Drainage Division: Fitzroy (WA) Kimberley Ord-Bonaparte Daly Van Diemen Arafura Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division: Roper South-West Gulf Flinders-Leichhardt South-East Gulf Mitchell Western Cape Northern north-East Coast Drainage Division: Northern Coral

Research Notes: Series of reports

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CSIRO, Various, The Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project, Report, viewed 13 January 2025,

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