Support Needs of People living with Dementia in Rural and Remote Australia: Report of Findings

Support Needs of People living with Dementia in Rural and Remote Australia: Report of Findings Report

  • Author(s): David Gribble, Pam Nichols, Paula Nicolaou, honda Murphy
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: Alzheimer's Australia

Abstract: This report details the methodology and findings of a Commonwealth Special Project undertaken on behalf of Alzheimer’s Australia by Alzheimer’s Australia WA, to gain an understanding of the support needs of people with dementia and their carers in regional Australia, and their suggestions and recommendations for addressing these needs. Three information sources on rural and remote needs relating to dementia were identified and targeted in the data gathering process: relevant publications and reports; questionnaire responses from health professionals and service providers; and, most importantly, input from carers and people with dementia attending focus groups or responding to questionnaires. An initial scoping process included consultation with staff at the national office and regional offices of Alzheimer’s Australia. The majority of the consultation process, undertaken between January and September 2006, was conducted in Western Australia with additional consultations occurring in four health regions in three other States. A total of 173 people with dementia and their carers, and 74 service providers contributed to the consultation process. Six major themes were identified from the needs highlighted by consultation participants: - Emotional and Social Support - Education and Awareness Raising - Diagnosis, Assessment and Medical Management - Community Service Access - Respite and Residential Care - Distance and Travel Issues

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Suggested Citation
David Gribble, Pam Nichols, Paula Nicolaou, honda Murphy, 2007, Support Needs of People living with Dementia in Rural and Remote Australia: Report of Findings, Report, viewed 24 January 2025,

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