Media arts in Aṉangu education: A culturally responsive approach for developing digital and media literacies

Media arts in Aṉangu education: A culturally responsive approach for developing digital and media literacies Book Section

Arts-based Practices with Young People at the Edge

  • Author(s): MacGill, Belinda, Unsworth, Paul
  • Secondary Author(s): Price, Deborah, MacGill, Belinda, Carter, Jenni
  • Published: 2022
  • Publisher: Springer International Publishing
  • ISBN: 978-3-031-04345-1

Abstract: New Media is an emerging field in education, and the use of immersive technologies for teaching and learning provides opportunities for students to learn digital and media literacies. Whilst it is an emerging field, there has been a dearth of studies on the integration of immersive virtual reality in combination with arts-based pedagogies conducted in remote Aboriginal schools. This chapter provides insights into two kinds of immersive virtual reality technologies that were used as part of a designed learning environment to engage students in a remote Aṉangu school community located in Central Australia. Media arts knowledge and skills were taught within a culturally responsive and community of practice framework that highlights the potential of this approach for all students.

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MacGill, Belinda, Unsworth, Paul, 2022, Media arts in Aṉangu education: A culturally responsive approach for developing digital and media literacies, Book Section, viewed 26 January 2025,

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