Living to work, or working to live: Intercultural understandings of livelihoods

Living to work, or working to live: Intercultural understandings of livelihoods Journal Article

Dialogue: the Journal of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

  • Author(s): Davies, J, Maru, YT
  • Published: 2010
  • Volume: 29

Abstract: One of the authors recently found herself striking up a conversation with a stranger in the checkout queue at the supermarket. It’s something you can do easily in Alice Springs. It happens all the time. Is it the sense of trust and community that comes from being in a town so far away from dense and fast city life? Maybe. Alice Springs has pockets of this, in spite of such diversity amongst its residents and the masses of other people who pass through. Or is it just because the queues are long, and everyone is trying to stay in a good humour? There’s not much you can do about it except wait. And it doesn’t take too many minutes of waiting to wonder why there are only three or four of twelve checkouts open on a Saturday morning. Supermarket penny-pinching? Maybe, but it’s also likely that the supermarket is having trouble getting staff, like so many other businesses in the town.

Notes: Scroll to pg. 18. This journal is not peer reviewed

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Davies, J, Maru, YT, 2010, Living to work, or working to live: Intercultural understandings of livelihoods, Volume:29, Journal Article, viewed 06 December 2024,

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