Learnings from the message stick: The report of the Inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas

Learnings from the message stick: The report of the Inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas Report

  • Author(s): Western Australian Education and Health Standing Committee,
  • Published: 2016
  • Publisher: Parliament of Western Australia
  • Volume: Report 11

Abstract: This publication reports on the inquiry into the crisis of Aboriginal youth suicide in Western Australia. The report covers an introduction and background to the inquiry, how Aboriginal suicide is different, risk factors for Aboriginal youth suicide, culture and identity, community empowerment, strategy and governance, collaboration and coordination, improving effectiveness of service delivery and recommendations. (Abstract from Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet.)

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Western Australian Education and Health Standing Committee,, 2016, Learnings from the message stick: The report of the Inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas, Volume:Report 11, Report, viewed 06 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=12072.

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