Abstract: Kimberley Girl encourages personal ambition and community leadership, and utilises family networks to help young women grow and evolve. Private benefits (to the individual) translate into public benefits (to the community and nation) through enhanced employment prospects and the expansion of participants’ ambitions. In 2011 we conducted a full evaluation of the Kimberley Girl program, involving an in-depth qualitative analysis of the program’s impact on participants’ lives, and an economic assessment of its public and private benefits (Rennie & Potts, 2011). We followed a similar method for this evaluation, which included interviews with 30 participants from the 2016 cohort (the Broome heats and the final including six participants from the Pilbara), and observation of the personal development workshops (see Appendix A, page 12, for full research methodology).This report confirms many of the findings of the 2011 evaluation. In addition, we delve deeper into what we see as a key element of the Kimberley Girl program: confidence-building. The term “feeling shame”emerged strongly in our 2011 evaluation, but was not well understood in policy and development realms. For this report, we asked the 2016 participants to help us define the term. Participants described what it means to be held back by self-doubt, fear and shyness, and posited theories as to why it is a common and shared feeling amongst so many Aboriginal girls and young women. By digging deeper into the concept of feeling shame, this report provides a fuller account of Kimberley (andPilbara) Girl’s main benefit – confidence-building – and how this benefit can translate into tangible outcomes (see Appendix D, page 29, for a discussion of “shame versus confidence”).