Keeping People Safe: Stage 1 of the Working Safe in Rural and Remote Australia Project

Keeping People Safe: Stage 1 of the Working Safe in Rural and Remote Australia Project Report

  • Author(s): urbis, Linda Kurti , Lee Holloway, Amanda McAtamney
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: Rural Doctors Association of Australia

Abstract: The Working safe in rural and remote Australia project aims to seek solutions to the problem of workplace violence for health workers, police and teachers in rural and remote Australia by promoting and facilitating a whole of community approach. The project is a collaborative effort of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF), the Police Federation of Australia, the Queensland Teachers’ Union, and CRANAplus. A Project Steering Committee comprised of representatives from each of the above mentioned organisations is overseeing the project, which is funded by the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA). Urbis has been commissioned by the RDAA, on behalf of the Project Steering Committee, to undertake Stage 1 of the Working safe in rural and remote Australia project. Stage 1 seeks to lay the foundation forpreventing violence and building safer workplaces in rural and remote Australia by: 1. increasing our understanding of current initiatives/strategies and their effectiveness; and 2. developing a national framework for action for a whole-of community response to working safely. This report addresses the first point above. It identifies current strategies and initiatives to prevent workplace violence and, to the extent possible, comments on their effectiveness. It summarises what has been learned in the course of undertaking a literature review as well as primary research comprising key informant interviews and a survey of health professionals, teachers, and police with experience of living and working in rural and remote Australia.

Notes: prepared for Rural Doctors Association of Australia, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, the Australian Nursing Federation, the Police Federation of Australia, the Queensland Teachers’ Union and CRANAplus

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urbis, Linda Kurti , Lee Holloway, Amanda McAtamney, 2012, Keeping People Safe: Stage 1 of the Working Safe in Rural and Remote Australia Project, Report, viewed 05 December 2024,

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