Jaru (Australia) – Language snapshot

Jaru (Australia) – Language snapshot Journal Article

Language Documentation and Description

  • Author(s): Dahmen, Josua , Possemato, Francesco, Blythe, Joe
  • Published: 2020
  • Volume: 17

Abstract: Jaru is an endangered Australian Aboriginal language spoken in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. Intergenerational transmission of Jaru is in the process of being disrupted and children are usually socialised in the English-based creole language Kriol, which also serves as a lingua franca of the wider area. Previous work on Jaru includes a reference grammar by Tsunoda (1981), and community-oriented publications by the Kimberley Language Resource Centre. Current research aims to document and explore interactional practices of Jaru speakers in ordinary conversation.

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Dahmen, Josua , Possemato, Francesco, Blythe, Joe, 2020, Jaru (Australia) – Language snapshot, Volume:17, Journal Article, viewed 03 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=18213.

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