Innovative models in addressing violence against Indigenous women: Final report

Innovative models in addressing violence against Indigenous women: Final report Report

  • Author(s): Blagg, H, Williams, E, Cummings, E, Hovane, V, Torres, M, Woodley, KN
  • Published: 2018
  • Publisher: ANROWS Horizons
  • Volume: 01/2018

Abstract: This Horizons report focuses on innovative models intended to reduce family violence on remote communities. It foregrounds the perspective of Aboriginal people who work within the family violence space or have had experience of family violence. The report is based on qualitative research in three sites in Australia: Fitzroy Crossing (Western Australia), Darwin (Northern Territory), and Cherbourg (Queensland). It supports the creation of a network of place-based Indigenous family violence strategies owned and managed by Indigenous people and linked to initiatives around alcohol reduction, inter-generational trauma, social and emotional wellbeing, and alternatives to custody. These initiatives may be constructed differently depending on context, but would ensure that responses to family violence reflect the needs of local women.

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Suggested Citation
Blagg, H, Williams, E, Cummings, E, Hovane, V, Torres, M, Woodley, KN, 2018, Innovative models in addressing violence against Indigenous women: Final report, Volume:01/2018, Report, viewed 05 December 2024,

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