Indigenous Participation in Australian Economies: Historical and anthropological perspectives

Indigenous Participation in Australian Economies: Historical and anthropological perspectives Edited Book

  • Author(s): Keen, Ian
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Australian National University E Press
  • ISBN: ISBN 9781921666865 (pbk.) ISBN 9781921666872 (online)

Abstract: This volume arises out of a panel on Indigenous participation in Australian ‘frontier’ economies at the annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society, held jointly with the British and New Zealand anthropological associations in Auckland in December 2008. The panel arose in turn out of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant project on Indigenous participation in Australian colonial economies involving the National Museum of Australia as the partner organisation and the School of Archaeology and Anthropology at The Australian National University. The researchers engaged in this project (2007–10) were Ian Keen (The Australian National University), Christopher Lloyd (University of New England), Anthony Redmond (Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University), Michael Pickering (National Museum of Australia), John White (The Australian National University) and Fiona Skyring (consultant historian). These researchers were among the contributors to the panel and most are represented in this volume. The organisers of the panel invited other scholars to contribute papers on the general theme, several of whom have contributed to this volume. The resulting chapters bring new theoretical analyses and empirical data to bear on a continuing discussion about the variety of ways in which Indigenous people in Australia have participated in the colonial and post-colonial economy.

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Suggested Citation
Keen, Ian, 2010, Indigenous Participation in Australian Economies: Historical and anthropological perspectives, Edited Book, viewed 20 January 2025,

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