Indigenous heritage tourism and its economic value in Australia

Indigenous heritage tourism and its economic value in Australia Conference Paper

Heritage Economics: Challenges for Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

  • Author(s): Zeppel, H.
  • Published: 2000
  • Publisher: International Society for Ecological Economics and Australian National University, Australian Heritage Commission, c2001

Abstract: Indigenous culture and heritage are a major tourist attraction in Australia. The income generated from the sale of Aboriginal arts and crafts is AUD$200 million per annum, with half derived from tourist sales. In addition, Aboriginal cultural tourism generates $5 million, while mainstream tourism enterprises owned by Indigenous organisations are worth $20$30 million per annum (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tourism Industry Strategy, 1997). The tourist consumption of Indigenous cultural products and heritage sites generates several economic values. These include Commodity Values of portable Indigenous cultural products (eg. art, craft, souvenirs) and amenity values associated with leisure and recreation on Aboriginal lands, at scenic localities and rock art sites. There are further marketing values associated with the tourism promotion of Indigenous heritage and cyber-values from placing Indigenous cultural products on the Internet. In addition to economic value, growing Indigenous concerns with copyright and cultural or intellectual property issues in Indigenous heritage tourism also need to be addressed.

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Zeppel, H., 2000, Indigenous heritage tourism and its economic value in Australia, Conference Paper, viewed 05 December 2024,

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