Indigenous Health and Wellbeing: The Importance of Country

Indigenous Health and Wellbeing: The Importance of Country Report

Native Title Research Report

  • Author(s): Ganesharajah, C
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

Abstract: A key aspect to improving Indigenous wellbeing is exploring the relationship between land and wellbeing. Evidence exists which suggests there are positive physical health outcomes from living3 or working on country. However, it has also been argued that Indigenous health cannot improve whilst Indigenous peoples continue to live outside urban areas.4 These competing views will lead to the adoption of very different strategies for addressing Indigenous health issues. Therefore, it is critical to develop an understanding of the value of native title, the return of lands generally, or the capacity to live or work on country, to Indigenous peoples’ wellbeing. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of relevant material. The central argument is that Indigenous health strategies should take into consideration the importance of connection to country to maximise their effectiveness.

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Ganesharajah, C, 2009, Indigenous Health and Wellbeing: The Importance of Country, Report, viewed 05 December 2024,

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