Increasing employment rates for Indigenous people with a disability

Increasing employment rates for Indigenous people with a disability Report

Resource sheet

  • Author(s): Closing the Gap Clearinghouse,
  • Published: 2014
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • Volume: Closing the Gap Clearinghouse

Abstract: The purpose of this resource sheet is to assess and summarise evidence on the effectiveness of programs relevant to increasing employment rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a disability. A total of 265 papers were reviewed—sourced from peer-reviewed journals published from 1990–2013, and reports and information obtained from government and non-government websites. This resource sheet reviews the effectiveness of both Indigenous-specific and mainstream Australian employment programs, as well as international employment programs for Indigenous people with a disability. Where relevant, it also takes account of evaluations of employment programs for people with a disability that did not specifically report the results for Indigenous job seekers as they are likely to have some Indigenous clients.

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Closing the Gap Clearinghouse,, 2014, Increasing employment rates for Indigenous people with a disability, Volume:Closing the Gap Clearinghouse, Report, viewed 14 December 2024,

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