Marketing fine art on the Internet: Issue and ideas

Marketing fine art on the Internet: Issue and ideas Films

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing

  • Author(s): Clarke, Irvine, Flaherty, Therese B
  • Published: 2002
  • Publisher: DKCRC
  • Volume: 7

Abstract: The fine art market has grown into a $17bn industry. Yet only recently have art dealers and art buyers discovered the Internet as a viable marketing tool. As art galleries begin to move online, a fundamental question arises: are the major stakeholders willing to use this non-traditional means to buy and sell art? This paper uses three independent studies, of artists, interior designers and organisational buyers, in North America, to analyse the characteristics of those inclined to use the Internet for this service and considers the magnitude of purchases through this medium. Study results indicate that: (1) artists are under-represented on the Internet and disconcerted about technology issues; (2) targeting buyer segments, like interior designers, through the Internet is a viable and attractive alternative for fine art dealers; (3) organisational buyers often neglect Internet alternatives. Practical implications for those desiring to utilise the Internet to market fine art are discussed.

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