Indigenous Drug And Alcohol Projects Elements of Best Practice

Indigenous Drug And Alcohol Projects Elements of Best Practice News

ANCD Research Paper

  • Author(s): Strempel, P, Saggers, S, Gray, D, Stearne, A
  • Published: 2003
  • Publisher: National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology
  • Volume: 3

Abstract: In 2002, the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) produced a report entitled Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Projects 1999–2000, which was published by the Australian National Council on Drugs. The report mapped the location of projects directly targeting the misuse of alcohol and other drugs among Indigenous Australians. A total of 277 intervention projects conducted by or for Indigenous Australians was identified. The majority of those projects (226 or 81.6 per cent) were conducted by 177 Indigenous Australian community-controlled organisations. Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Projects: Elements of Best Practice is the second phase of that project. NDRI was asked to document — as case studies — five projects from those identified in Phase 1 as exemplifying best practice in Indigenous substance misuse interventions, which could be used as suitable models for the development of similar projects by other Indigenous communities.

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