Indigenous Dot Com: E-Learning in Australian Indigenous Workforce Development and Engagement

Indigenous Dot Com: E-Learning in Australian Indigenous Workforce Development and Engagement News

Vocational Learning: Innovative theory and practice

  • Author(s): Wallace, Ruth, Appo, Rhonda
  • Secondary Author(s): Catts, Ralph, Falk, Ian, Wallace, Ruth
  • Tertiary Author(s): Maclean, Rupert
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Springer Netherlands
  • Volume: 13
  • ISBN: 978-94-007-1539-4

Abstract: Improving the engagement and outcomes of Australian Indigenous people through training is underpinned by understanding the nature and experiences of learning for different people in a range of contexts. A number of Indigenous engagement projects that incorporated e-learning strategies were conducted between 2005 and 2007. These projects utilized a range of e-tools and strategies to embed e-learning into learning programmes that will improve the outcomes for Indigenous1 people, Australia-wide. This analysis explores the impact of e-learning-based pedagogy on the educational and employment outcomes of Indigenous people. In particular, the impact of incorporating e-learning into vocational education and training on Indigenous learners’ engagement, training and employment are considered. This chapter examines six case studies and reflects on the issues identified through this analysis. The theme identified centres around structures and processes. Structures include the use of technology in education and developing culturally appropriate training resources. The processes include professional development, integration of e-learning, partnerships and diverse representations of knowledge. The implication for investment in these processes and structures that enhances and supports learning and employment outcomes for Indigenous people is discussed. E-learning projects are aimed at addressing the skills and qualification gaps needed to gain successful employment outcomes. These projects had a particular focus on the involvement of Indigenous champions in the project and sustainability which are also discussed.

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