Nurse-led care of heart failure: Will it work in remote settings?

Nurse-led care of heart failure: Will it work in remote settings? Journal Article

Heart, Lung and Circulation

  • Author(s): Stewart, Simon
  • Published: 2012
  • Volume: 21
  • ISBN: 1443-9506

Abstract: This paper reviews the role of predominantly nurse-led, multidisciplinary, chronic heart failure management programs as part of the gold-standard management of patients discharged from hospital with this syndrome. It discusses the various options for applying these evidence-based programs and how they apply to the management of those living in rural/remote Australia. Specifically, it describes the challenges of applying CHF management in remote settings and how face-to-face, family based programs of care might be particularly effective from an Indigenous perspective. Finally, it describes ongoing research to determine the best approach to CHF management in remote settings.

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Suggested Citation
Stewart, Simon, 2012, Nurse-led care of heart failure: Will it work in remote settings?, Volume:21, Journal Article, viewed 07 December 2024,

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