Developing an integrated clinical decision support system for the early identification and management of kidney disease—building cross-sectoral partnerships

Developing an integrated clinical decision support system for the early identification and management of kidney disease—building cross-sectoral partnerships Journal Article

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

  • Author(s): Gorham, Gillian, Abeyaratne, Asanga, Heard, Sam, Moore, Liz, George, Pratish, Kamler, Paul, Majoni, Sandawana William, Chen, Winnie, Balasubramanya, Bhavya, Talukder, Mohammad Radwanur, Pascoe, Sophie, Whitehead, Adam, Sajiv, Cherian, Maple-Brown, Louise, Kangaharan, Nadarajah, Cass, Alan
  • Published: 2024
  • Volume: 24
  • ISBN: 1472-6947

Abstract: The burden of chronic conditions is growing in Australia with people in remote areas experiencing high rates of disease, especially kidney disease. Health care in remote areas of the Northern Territory (NT) is complicated by a mobile population, high staff turnover, poor communication between health services and complex comorbid health conditions requiring multidisciplinary care.

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Gorham, Gillian, Abeyaratne, Asanga, Heard, Sam, Moore, Liz, George, Pratish, Kamler, Paul, Majoni, Sandawana William, Chen, Winnie, Balasubramanya, Bhavya, Talukder, Mohammad Radwanur, Pascoe, Sophie, Whitehead, Adam, Sajiv, Cherian, Maple-Brown, Louise, Kangaharan, Nadarajah, Cass, Alan, 2024, Developing an integrated clinical decision support system for the early identification and management of kidney disease—building cross-sectoral partnerships, Volume:24, Journal Article, viewed 25 January 2025,

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