December 15, 2016
Think Interplay Framework
This month, the Interplay Project team successfully launched their project findings, data visualisation tool and associated videos across four national locations. The interactive Interplay Wellbeing Framework is one output of the six years of research for this project. It explores and explains the interrelationships between work, education, health, wellbeing, community, culture and empowerment, to better inform remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing policy and practice.
The first launch event was held in Katherine on 3 November, with approximately 30 representatives from local community, organisations and interest groups and others watching via a Livestream. Two more events were held at the Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Art Centre in Yirrkala North East Arnhem Land on 16 November, and at Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island, on 17 November.
The fourth event was held on 11 November in Canberra, hosted by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC). Over 70 people attended, including representatives from PMC Canberra and regional offices, the Department of Health, Department of the Environment and Energy and Australian National University. The Livestream for this event had a reach of 4,200 and included 1,300 views.
As a key partner in the Interplay Project, PMC is following up the event with more targeted research discussions in key policy areas and with regional networks to encourage uptake of this research into policy and practice.
If your professional interest lies in any of these areas, the Interplay Wellbeing Framework is a must-have tool. But don’t just let us tell you about it – explore it for yourself at crc-rep.com/wellbeingframework/ . You can also access a range of related resources and publications, including more than 30 short videos on the Interplay research project here: crc-rep.com/interplay.