

December 11, 2018

Tackling Indigenous Smoking

Earlier this year, the Hon. Ken Wyatt MP, Federal Minister for Indigenous Health, announced that the Australian Government will provide a further $183.7 million to Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) over four years (2018–2022).

Tobacco use is prevalent in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and the Australian Government TIS program seeks to reduce this use and improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Thirty-seven organisations have Regional Tobacco Control grants to undertake multilevel approaches to tobacco control in their regions.

The TIS program has a number of parts:

NBPU TIS is a Ninti One–led consortium that includes the following partners:

The NBPU TIS has been established to provide tailored assistance to the 37 organisations that are funded under the National TIS program for regional grants. NBPU TIS services include accessing research, information and resources on tobacco control.

TIS website

As a part of this program, the TIS website has been developed to provide TIS Teams with the information they need to carry out successful smoking cessation programs in their communities. The website provides a central location for information relating to tobacco cessation, with a focus on local needs and locally designed approaches such as programs, services and activities.

The website is for the TIS Team and other health workers who are working to prevent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from taking up smoking, or guiding and supporting them to quit smoking.

For further information about the NBPU TIS and resources available, please visit

For all enquiries TIS related, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on +1800 282 624 (tollfree) or