Yuendumu everyday: Contemporary life in remote Aboriginal Australia

Yuendumu everyday: Contemporary life in remote Aboriginal Australia Book

  • Author(s): Musharbash, Y.
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: Aboriginal Studies Press

Abstract: Yuendumu Everyday explores intimacy, immediacy and mobility as the core principles underpinning contemporary everyday life in a central Australian Aboriginal settlement. It analyses an everyday shaped through the interplay between a not so distant hunter–gatherer past and the realities of living in a first-world nation–state by considering such apparently mundane matters as: What is a camp? How does that relate to houses? Who sleeps where, and next to whom? Why does this constantly change? What and where are the public/private boundaries? And most importantly: How do Indigenous people in praxis relate to each other? Employing a refreshingly readable writing style, Musharbash includes rich vignettes, including narrative portraits of five Warlpiri women. Musharbash’s descriptions and analyses of their actions and the situations they find themselves in, transcend the general and illuminate the personal. She invites readers to ponder the questions raised by the book, not just at an abstract level, but as they relate to people’s actual lives. In doing so, it expands our understandings of Indigenous Australia.

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Suggested Citation
Musharbash, Y., 2008, Yuendumu everyday: Contemporary life in remote Aboriginal Australia, Book, viewed 18 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3730.

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