Youth empowerment and information and communication technologies: a case study of a remote Australian Aboriginal community

Youth empowerment and information and communication technologies: a case study of a remote Australian Aboriginal community Journal Article


  • Author(s): Singleton, Guy, Rola-Rubzen, Maria Fay, Muir, Kado, Muir, Deeva, McGregor, Murray
  • Published: 2009
  • Volume: 74

Abstract: In spite of a ‘digital divide’, Aboriginal groups in Australia, as internationally, are increasingly using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to maintain their cultures, communicate, archive knowledge, empower their communities, develop skills and generate income. Each community uses the technologies differently in accordance with their particular needs and the opportunities available. The use of ICTs in Aboriginal youth empowerment is illustrated through a case study of an initiative undertaken by the Walkatjurra Cultural Centre in Leonora, remote Western Australia. A participatory process was used to engage the Centre’s young people and they were given individual assistance to develop their ICT related capacity. The community conceives this youth empowerment to be part of a broader youth participation process that will contribute to the Centre’s overall objectives.

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Suggested Citation
Singleton, Guy, Rola-Rubzen, Maria Fay, Muir, Kado, Muir, Deeva, McGregor, Murray, 2009, Youth empowerment and information and communication technologies: a case study of a remote Australian Aboriginal community, Volume:74, Journal Article, viewed 11 February 2025,

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