Working with Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resource Management: recommendations for Commonwealth agencies

Working with Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resource Management: recommendations for Commonwealth agencies Government Document

  • Author(s): Natural Heritage Trust,
  • Secondary Author(s): Department of Environment and Heritage
  • Published: 2004

Abstract: This short report is drawn from the workshop outcomes report of an Indigenous knowledge forum, held at Alice Springs on 28–29 May 2003. The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations and advice on how Agency staff can better equip regional staff to work effectively with Indigenous knowledge in regional natural resource management. The report outlines: the regional delivery context; the issues involved in supporting Indigenous knowledge; a framework of principles for engaging with Indigenous knowledge; an Indigenous natural resource management (INRM) planning process; a partnership approach; protocols for working together; the overall way forward recommendations to improve Australian Government processes; and next steps agreed.

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Natural Heritage Trust,, 2004, Working with Indigenous Knowledge in Natural Resource Management: recommendations for Commonwealth agencies, Government Document, viewed 04 December 2024,

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