Working with adolescents to prevent domestic violence: Indigenous rural model

Working with adolescents to prevent domestic violence: Indigenous rural model Report

  • Author(s): Blagg, H
  • Secondary Author(s): Garton, K
  • Published: 1999
  • Publisher: National Crime Prevention, Attorney General's Department
  • ISBN: for National Crime Prevention and the National Anti-Crime Strategy

Abstract: This is a report presented to National Crime Prevention (formerly known as National Campaign Against Violence and Crime) and the National Anti-Crime Strategy which covers the second phase of a project aimed at developing strategies to prevent domestic violence by intervention with adolescents. The first phase was undertaken in Northam, Western Australia (see National Campaign Against Violence and Crime - Working with adolescents to prevent domestic violence: Rural town model). This second report focuses on Derby in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia. The research project as a whole, which includes both the rural town and Indigenous community phases, has developed models of intervention with adolescents to prevent domestic violence which are derived from: -a review of the relevant research and policy literature - an environmental assessment of each locality - intensive discussions with key stakeholders This report assumes some knowledge of the first phase of the project. A number of its fundamental perspectives are founded on ideas and theories developed through phase one, particularly those relating to: - the cycle of violence - the learned dimension of violent and aggressive behaviour - the important role played by cultures of masculinity and the corresponding social structures in generating and sustaining acceptance of violence In the second phase of the research these underpinning perspectives were adapted and modified to meet the specific requirements of Derby; a location that experiences problems of relationship violence within quite a different sociocultural framework from Northam. The discussion of the underpinning theories and perspectives on the issue of violence that is found in the first report will not be repeated here. This research was premised on the hypothesis that, irrespective of cultural milieu, beliefs about interpersonal violence tend to be generated through broadly similar processes. These beliefs are transmitted through culture, have a cyclical dynamism, and are exercised under similar conditions, such as where (usually male) authority and status are under threat. In this report emphasis was instead placed, in greater depth than in the Northam phase, on a careful analysis and mapping of the institutional and cultural context of the locality, and on consultations with stakeholders and communities. It is now widely accepted that listening to and negotiating with Indigenous communities must preface any research or policy initiative which may impact upon them. Indigenous people remain adamant that respect for Indigenous culture requires that due weight be accorded to the unique qualities of specific Indigenous peoples and places. While such local factors may not be sufficiently unique to make lessons from schemes developed in one area non-transferable to others, they may influence the character of local problems and of possible solutions.

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Blagg, H, 1999, Working with adolescents to prevent domestic violence: Indigenous rural model, Report, viewed 25 January 2025,

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