Notes: The text offers a comprehensive account of indigenous land and water management in Australia, with an emphasis on practical outcomes to manage the country for a sustainable future. It is based around three main themes (1) the diversity of approaches to working on country (2) the need for sharing knowledge and communicating concepts and tools, within a two-way learning framework (3) the role of negotiation in the development of effective working-on country initiatives. The book is said to be a valuable resource for environmental studies, natural resource management, indigenous studies, for landcare facilitators, government land management departments. The forward by Marcia Langton outlines these ideas: (1) brings together years of expert and practical experience (2) addresses challenges with well written accounts of land use planning among indigenous people (who have pressing needs, face rapid change and whose cultures are embedded in Australian landscapes) (3) the book is a guide to planning methods developed for use with indigenous communities tackling landcare, business planning and community development (4) it primarily reflects experience gained working with indigenous people in central Australia but the lessons can be applied to a range of circumstances and cross-cultural environments (5) the book has an extensive guide to planning methods, and it has 21 stories by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal contributors about planning experiences in the field (ranging from academic to humorous). Contents 1. Managing country: an overview of the prime issues 2. Managing country: a legal overview 3. Introduction to Part II: Approaches to managing country 4. Management of sea country: indigenous people's use and management of marine environments 5. Joint management of national parks 6. Sustainable balance: a Yolngu framework for cross-cultural collaborative management 7. Culture and communication in Aboriginal land management in New South Wales: a Koori perspective 8. Challenging 'wildlife management': lessons for Australia from Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa 9. Introduction to Part III: Sharing knowledge 10. 'Bridging the communication gap': transferring information between scientists and Aboriginal land managers 11. Ngaparrtji Ngaparrtji Nintilpayi: reciprocal thinking in indigenous land management 12. Participatory land assessment: integrating perceptions of country through mapping 13. Cooperative cross-cultural biological surveys in resource management: experiences in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara lands 14. Understanding whitefella secret cattle business 15. Towards community-based management of natural marine resources in Torres Strait 16. Accessing the Dreaming: indigenous student response to Mungo National Park 17. Introduction to Part IV: Negotiating management 18. Bundarwa, Berri-werri and the Bay: traditional rights and bureaucratic boundaries 19. Moving towards joint management in New South Wales: a Jervis Bay case study 20. Landscapes of the mind, landscapes of the spirit: negotiating a sentient landscape 21. Turning back the clock: fire, biodiversity and indigenous community development in Tasmania 22. Social impact assessment: Coronation Hill 23. Working on country: listening, sharing and providing practical support.