Workforce NT report 2008

Workforce NT report 2008 Report

  • Author(s): Northern Territory Government,
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: Department of Business and Employment, Northern Territory Government
  • Edition: 4th

Abstract: The Workforce NT Report 2008 brings together detailed information about the Territory’s labour force, the sectors of the population which are employed, where and in what industries. It also provides regional profiles and information about the training and employment outcomes for disadvantaged groups within the NT. Workforce NT will be a useful tool in assisting government and business to formulate employment policy and strategies. This report contains information on: The Territory’s population, how it compares with the Australian population and how it has changed over time. The school and non-school education profile of Territorians. The labour force characteristics of the population. The main industries and occupations that Territorians work in. Labour supply through sources such as VET, apprenticeships/traineeships and higher education. How the NT regions differ from each other in their population and employment characteristics. The employment status of Indigenous Territorians. The employment status of disadvantaged groups such as People with a Disability, People from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background, the Youth and the Mature Age people. Skill shortages - the professions and trades that are experiencing skill shortages in the NT. Industries undergoing change and their likely impact on employment in the NT The outlook for economic and employment growth in the Territory.

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Northern Territory Government,, 2008, Workforce NT report 2008, Edition:4th, Report, viewed 14 January 2025,

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