Wild Food: 100 Recipes Using Australian Ingredients

Wild Food: 100 Recipes Using Australian Ingredients Book

  • Author(s): Robins, J
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: Lantern, Penguin Books
  • ISBN: 9781920989958

Abstract: The book is divided into 14 chapters, each focusing on a native ingredient. Examples include bush tomatoes, Kakadu plums, lemon myrtle, macadamias and wild lime. The author is passionate about Indigenous food and hopes to not only inform people of the nutritional value of the ingredients but encourage people to cook with them. Contents Introduction Finding Australian ingredients Australian superfruits Anisata; Bush tomato; Davidson's plum; Kakadu plum; Lemon aspen; Lemon myrtle; Macadamia nut; Mountain pepper; Native mint; Quandong; Riberry; Wattleseed; Wild lime; Wild rosella

Notes: Page 5: ”We work closely with our partners, Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre, based in Alice Springs, to develop a viable desert wild harvest and agricultural base for Indigenous Australians, particularly with regards to bush tomato crops." MDQ

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Robins, J, 2009, Wild Food: 100 Recipes Using Australian Ingredients, Book, viewed 25 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4815.

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