Why is there a shortage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Carers?

Why is there a shortage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Carers? Report

Promising Practices in Out-of-Home Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers and young people: Strengths and barriers (paper 1)

  • Author(s): Bromfield, L, Higgins, JR, Higgins, DJ, Richardson, N
  • Published: 2007
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies

Abstract: The Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on behalf of the Australian Council of Children and Parenting commissioned the National Child Protection Clearinghouse to undertake a project examining the strengths and barriers to the recruitment, assessment, training and support of carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and the strengths and barriers in the provision of services to Indigenous children in care. A series of papers discussing the findings can be downloaded.

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Bromfield, L, Higgins, JR, Higgins, DJ, Richardson, N, 2007, Why is there a shortage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Carers?, Report, viewed 25 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=5220.

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