What works to overcome Indigenous disadvantage – Key learnings and gaps in the evidence 2009-10

What works to overcome Indigenous disadvantage – Key learnings and gaps in the evidence 2009-10 Report

  • Author(s): Fadwa Al-Yaman, Daryl Higgins
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare & Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • Volume: Closing the Gap Clearinghouse

Abstract: The Closing the Gap Clearinghouse was established by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to bring together evidence-based research on overcoming disadvantage for Indigenous Australians. The Clearinghouse provides access to a collection of information on what works to improve Indigenous people’s lives across the building blocks identified by COAG. The Clearinghouse not only collects, but systematically analyses and synthesises this evidence. This paper provides policy makers with key findings about what works and assesses the gaps in the evidence. It also sets out progress of the Clearinghouse towards its objectives in its first year of operation. In its first year of operation the Clearinghouse collected, assessed and produced a range of evidence on what works through the following products: • The Assessed collection—made up of 298 items, mainly focussed on evaluations of programs and activities. For each item, subject specialists assessed the quality and strength of the research and summarised the findings. • Issues papers and resource sheets—subject specialists produced two issues papers (on schooling) and six resource sheets (on schooling, health, economic participation and safe communities) that analysed and synthesised available evidence. • The Research and Evaluation Register— an online list of research and evaluation projects across Australia relevant to improving Indigenous outcomes and to the COAG building blocks. Recent government research and evaluation activities were mainly in the health building block (210 items), followed by schooling (98) and safe communities (93).

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Fadwa Al-Yaman, Daryl Higgins, 2011, What works to overcome Indigenous disadvantage – Key learnings and gaps in the evidence 2009-10, Volume:Closing the Gap Clearinghouse, Report, viewed 14 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3434.

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