What settler Australians talk about when they talk about Aborigines: reflections on an in-depth interview study

What settler Australians talk about when they talk about Aborigines: reflections on an in-depth interview study Journal Article

Ethnic and Racial Studies

  • Author(s): Moran, Anthony
  • Published: 2009
  • Volume: 32

Abstract: Drawing upon in-depth interviews, this article explores the cultural resources that settler Australians use to explain Aboriginal issues. It is argued that the ‘whiteness studies’ approach has only limited value in explaining contemporary settler/indigenous relations. Focusing upon race categories and race prejudice produces a partial explanation. Other important explanatory frameworks and resources include Australian nationalism, egalitarianism and political culture more generally.

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Suggested Citation
Moran, Anthony, 2009, What settler Australians talk about when they talk about Aborigines: reflections on an in-depth interview study, Volume:32, Journal Article, viewed 19 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4552.

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