Abstract: This paper explores the meaning of effectiveness as it relates to vocational educationand training outcomes. The findings presented are based on research being conducted into theways that education and training can be applied to tropical savanna communities for better regional planning and management. The paper explores some of the issues related to definitionsof effective training delivery before presenting findings from the research, with a particular focus on the tourism/hospitality industry. It is suggested that three foundational building blocksshould be understood before aspects of training delivery are considered in order to makeeducation and training effective: the identification of a need for training; the presence of amotivator for training; and the presence of enablers to resource training. It is argued that skillsshortages in themselves are not sufficient to ensure that training programs will be effective.
Suggested Citation
Guenther, J,
What makes vocational education and training outcomes effective in tropical savanna communities? With special eference to tourism and hospitality,
Conference Proceedings,
viewed 03 December 2024,