Wellbeing of Nywaigi Traditional Owners: The contribution of country to wellbeing and the role of natural resource management

Wellbeing of Nywaigi Traditional Owners: The contribution of country to wellbeing and the role of natural resource management Report

  • Author(s): Romy Greiner, Silva Larson, Alexander Herr, Victor Bligh
  • Published: 2005
  • Publisher: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Davies Laboratory Townsville

Abstract: This report presents the findings of a research project, which was conducted as collaboration and liaison between a regional NRM group (the Burdekin Dry Tropics Board), a research provider (CSIRO) and a Traditional Owner group (the Nywaigi Traditional owners, represented by the Girringun Aboriginal Corporation and the Nywaigi Land Corporation). The research established a concept and framework for defining wellbeing of Traditional Owners, and explored in detail the contribution, which culture and country make to the wellbeing of Nywaigi Traditional Owners. It also provided comment on how natural resource planning and management can contribute to the improvement of Traditional Owner wellbeing.

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Romy Greiner, Silva Larson, Alexander Herr, Victor Bligh, 2005, Wellbeing of Nywaigi Traditional Owners: The contribution of country to wellbeing and the role of natural resource management, Report, viewed 02 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3380.

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