We could have had the old girl out in the paddock years ago: Widowed women, farming and agricultural leadership

We could have had the old girl out in the paddock years ago: Widowed women, farming and agricultural leadership Journal Article

Work, Employment and Society

  • Author(s): Pini, B.
  • Published: 2003
  • Volume: 17

Abstract: This article describes the experiences of 10 widowed women involved in the Australian sugar industry. These women – farming in their own right and involving themselves in the public world of agriculture – represent an anomaly. They are of particular sociological interest because the often-invisible gender dimensions of farming are illuminated in the absence of a male partner. The article explores the reasons why the women decide to continue farming after the death of their spouse and the changes that occur in their on-farm roles with widowhood. Of significance is the shift in identity that occurs for the widowed women as they view themselves for the first time as 'a farmer'.

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Suggested Citation
Pini, B., 2003, We could have had the old girl out in the paddock years ago: Widowed women, farming and agricultural leadership, Volume:17, Journal Article, viewed 05 December 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4132.

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