Water and health interlinkages of the sustainable development goals in remote Indigenous Australia

Water and health interlinkages of the sustainable development goals in remote Indigenous Australia Journal Article

npj Clean Water

  • Author(s): Hall, Nina Lansbury, Creamer, Sandra, Anders, Wendy, Slatyer, Anthony, Hill, Peter S.
  • Published: 2020
  • Volume: 3
  • ISBN: 2059-7037

Abstract: Australia has committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goals under the UN’s 2030 Agenda. However, these goals may not be fully achieved in Australia under current policy settings. Australia reports success in achieving the goal for quality and access to safe drinking water and sanitation (SDG 6), though for Australians living in remote Indigenous communities, the experience is very different. Furthermore, the burden of disease is higher in remote communities (SDG 3). Many of these diseases are waterborne or hygiene-related, including prevalence in some remote Indigenous communities of endemic trachoma eye infection, preventable through access to functioning water services and available soap. This research provides a case for identifying, then understanding the interlinkages between SDGs 3, 6, and others locally, as well as nationally. This will enable governments to enact policies for long-term sustainable solutions for remotely-located and marginalised peoples in Australia in line with Agenda 2030 commitments.

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Suggested Citation
Hall, Nina Lansbury, Creamer, Sandra, Anders, Wendy, Slatyer, Anthony, Hill, Peter S., 2020, Water and health interlinkages of the sustainable development goals in remote Indigenous Australia, Volume:3, Journal Article, viewed 26 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=17615.

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