University staff perspectives on determinants of high-quality health professions student placements in regional, rural and remote Australia: protocol for a mixed-method study

University staff perspectives on determinants of high-quality health professions student placements in regional, rural and remote Australia: protocol for a mixed-method study Journal Article

BMJ Open

  • Author(s): Claire, Quilliam, Elyce, Green, Rohan, L. Rasiah, Lyndal, Sheepway, Catherine, Seaton, Leigh, Moore, Jodie, Bailie, Kylie Maree, Matthews, Jane, Ferns, James, Debenham, Carolyn, Taylor, Kathryn, Fitzgerald, Melissa, Ridd
  • Published: 2024
  • Volume: 14

Abstract: Introduction In rural areas, work-integrated learning in the form of health student placements has several potential benefits, including contributing to student learning, enhancing rural health service capacity and attracting future rural health workforce. Understanding what constitutes a high-quality rural placement experience is important for enhancing these outcomes. There is no current standardised definition of quality in the context of rural health placements, nor is there understanding of how this can be achieved across different rural contexts. This study is guided by one broad research question: what do university staff believe are the determinants of high-quality health professions student placements in regional, rural and remote Australia?Methods and analysis This study will adopt a convergent mixed-method design with two components. Component A will use explanatory sequential mixed methods. The first phase of component A will use a survey to explore determinants that contribute to the development of high-quality health student placements from the perspective of university staff who are not employed in University Departments of Rural Health and are involved in the delivery of health student education. The second phase will use semistructured interviews with the same stakeholder group (non-University Department of Rural Health university staff) to identify the determinants of high-quality health student placements. Component B will use a case study Employing COnceptUal schema for policy and Translation Engagement in Research mind mapping method to capture determinants that contribute to the development of high-quality health student placements from the perspective of University Department of Rural Health university staff.

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Claire, Quilliam, Elyce, Green, Rohan, L. Rasiah, Lyndal, Sheepway, Catherine, Seaton, Leigh, Moore, Jodie, Bailie, Kylie Maree, Matthews, Jane, Ferns, James, Debenham, Carolyn, Taylor, Kathryn, Fitzgerald, Melissa, Ridd, 2024, University staff perspectives on determinants of high-quality health professions student placements in regional, rural and remote Australia: protocol for a mixed-method study, Volume:14, Journal Article, viewed 25 January 2025,

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