“Unconventional Business”: Marketing of Aboriginal Art from Remote Area Communities

“Unconventional Business”: Marketing of Aboriginal Art from Remote Area Communities Book Section

The New Wave: Entrepreneurship & the Arts, Melbourne, Australia

  • Author(s): Healy, Jacky
  • Published: 2002
  • ISBN: 0 7300 2553 5

Abstract: Since the 1940's when the first art centre was established at Ernabella art centres have continued to proliferate throughout remote area Australia and urban areas. In remote areas these centres provide a focus for creative activity and a means of marketing the art in the fine art market predominately located in major cities. These centres have developed under the guidance of indigenous councils and management committees. These management committees have employed arts advisors usually from outside the community with skills in art production or marketing to run these centres. Despite many alternative ways of participating in the market place such as through private dealers many communities continue to support art centres as their primary tool for marketing their art because they are able to maintain control over where and how their art is marketed. I will compare the case studies of Warlayirti Artists, Balgo and Warmun Art Centre, Turkey Creek, both in Western Australia. Warlayirti Artists was established in the 1980's and Warmun Art centre in 1998. I will examine the marketing strategies of each of these centres and their significance in the success of these two centres. In addition, I will explore the artists’ perceptions of the market place and how they view their art in the market place.

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Healy, Jacky, 2002, “Unconventional Business”: Marketing of Aboriginal Art from Remote Area Communities, Book Section, viewed 25 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=5053.

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