Translating culture: Framing Indigenous knowledge through architecture

Translating culture: Framing Indigenous knowledge through architecture Journal Article

Architectural Design

  • Author(s): Hook, Martyn
  • Published: 2019
  • Volume: 89
  • ISBN: 0003-8504

Abstract: Can architecture contribute to equality and reconciliation of indigenous peoples? Having worked with Aboriginal communities for over two decades on a series of typologies across Western Australia, architects iredale pedersen hook have recently contributed to a major scheme for the heart of Perth's central business district. Yagan Square's spatial framework is informed by the substantial historical research and public engagement that are at the heart of their method, bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people together. Martyn Hook, a co-director of the practice and Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Design at Melbourne's RMIT University, explains.

  • Urls:
  • Keywords: iredale pedersen hook (IPH), Yagan Square, Perth, Aboriginal culture, City Link development, Lyons Architecture, ASPECT Studios, Whadjuk Working Party, Professor Paul Carter, Western Australia, Tjuntjuntjara, West Kimberley Regional Prison, Derby, TAG Architects, Walumba Elders Centre, Warmun, Whadjuk Country

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Suggested Citation
Hook, Martyn, 2019, Translating culture: Framing Indigenous knowledge through architecture, Volume:89, Journal Article, viewed 25 January 2025,

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