Transformation in the photovoltaics industry in Australia, Germany and Japan: Comparison of actors, knowledge, institutions and markets

Transformation in the photovoltaics industry in Australia, Germany and Japan: Comparison of actors, knowledge, institutions and markets Journal Article

Renewable Energy

  • Author(s): Marinova, Dora, Balaguer, Antonio
  • Published: 2009
  • Volume: 34
  • ISBN: 0960-1481

Abstract: The paper analyses the evolution of the photovoltaics industry in Australia, Germany and Japan from a comparative policy perspective. It uses a sectoral innovation system framework to discuss the way the three countries have approached the development of knowledge and new technologies, the actors in the sector and the interactions between them, the role of institutions and availability of funding as well as the development of markets for photovoltaics. It outlines the different paths that the countries have adopted for the process of transition from niche to mass production. The findings show that various national players have specialised in different activities, with the institutions' building block being a key determinant for success or otherwise. In the case of Australia, it is also the least developed area which ultimately exposes the country to losing its innovation benefits.

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Suggested Citation
Marinova, Dora, Balaguer, Antonio, 2009, Transformation in the photovoltaics industry in Australia, Germany and Japan: Comparison of actors, knowledge, institutions and markets, Volume:34, Journal Article, viewed 18 January 2025,

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