Abstract: Papers presented in the context of a workshop on 'Traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and intellectual property law in the Asia-Pacific region' at the Centre for Comparative Law and Development Studies in Asia and the Pacific (CLDSAP) at the University of Wollongong in December 2006. • The international debate about traditional knowledge and approaches in the Asia-Pacific region / Christoph Antons • How are the different views of traditional knowledge linked by international law and global governance? / Christopher Arup • Protection of traditional knowledge by geographical indications / Michael Blakeney • An analysis of WIPO's latest proposal and the Model Law 2002 of the Pacific Community for the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions / Silke von Lewinski • The role of customary law and practice in the protection of traditional knowledge related to biological diversity / Brendan Tobin • Can modern law safeguard archaic cultural expressions? : observations from a legal sociology perspective / Christoph Beat Graber • Branding identity and copyrighting culture : orientations towards the customary in traditional knowledge discourse / Martin Chanock • Being indigenous' in Indonesia and the Philippines / Gerard A. Persoon • Indigenous heritage and the digital commons / Eric Kansa • Traditional cultural expression and the internet world / Brian Fitzgerald and Susan Hedge • Cultural property and "the public domain" : case studies from New Zealand and Australia / Susy Frankel and Megan Richardson • The recognition of traditional knowledge under Australian biodiscovery regimes : why bother with intellectual property rights? / Natalie Stoianoff • Protection of traditional knowledge in the SAARC region and India's efforts / S.K. Verma • The protection of expressions of folklore in Sri Lanka / Indunil Abeyesekere • Traditional medicine and intellectual property rights : a case study of the Indonesian jamu industry / Christoph Antons and Rosy Antons-Sutanto.