Traditional and modern plant use among the Alyawara of central Australia

Traditional and modern plant use among the Alyawara of central Australia Journal Article

Economic Botany

  • Author(s): O’Connell, J., Latz, P., Barnett, P.
  • Published: 1983
  • Publisher: Springer New York
  • Volume: 37
  • ISBN: 0013-0001

Abstract: This is a descriptive summary of information on traditional and modern uses of native plants by Alyawara-speaking Australian Aborigines. It includes data on 157 species, 92 of which are used for food, 28 for medicines and narcotics, and 10 in the manufacture of tools, weapons and other gear. Descriptions of food plants cover form and distribution, collecting and processing techniques, caloric yields, and dietary importance. The paper concludes with some comments on traditional plant cultivation practices.

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O’Connell, J., Latz, P., Barnett, P., 1983, Traditional and modern plant use among the Alyawara of central Australia, Volume:37, Journal Article, viewed 26 January 2025,

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