Towards guidelines for survey research in remote Aboriginal communities

Towards guidelines for survey research in remote Aboriginal communities Journal Article

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

  • Author(s): Donovan, Robert J., Spark, Ross
  • Published: 1997
  • Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • Volume: 21
  • ISBN: 1753-6405

Abstract: Based on our experience in developing and evaluating community–based health promotion programs in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, we offer guidelines to assist nonindigenous health and public policy professionals whose information gathering in these communities includes the use of unstructured interviewing or survey questionnaires. The guidelines primarily apply to research among mainland remote Aboriginal communities, but are placed in a cultural context such that those dealing with Torres Strait Islanders and rural or urban community Aborigines also may benefit from the guidelines. The major aims of these guidelines are to facilitate communication between interviewers and indigenous interviewees and to ensure that interviewing is done with maximum sensitivity to cultural differences and with minimum discomfort to the respondents.

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Suggested Citation
Donovan, Robert J., Spark, Ross, 1997, Towards guidelines for survey research in remote Aboriginal communities, Volume:21, Journal Article, viewed 10 February 2025,

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