Towards evidence-based general practice in rural and remote Australia: an overview of key issues and a model for practice

Towards evidence-based general practice in rural and remote Australia: an overview of key issues and a model for practice Journal Article

Rural and Remote Health

  • Author(s): Taylor, J., Wilkinson, D., Blue, I.
  • Published: 2001
  • Volume: 1
  • ISBN: 1445-6354 (Electronic) 1445-6354 (Linking)

Abstract: There is an extensive global move towards evidence-based practice intended to increase the quality and effectiveness of health care. However there are barriers and issues when rural general practitioners attempt to incorporate evidence-based medicine in their practice. Key issues affecting the uptake of evidence-based medicine by rural general practitioners include the gaps in the scientific evidence relevant to general practice, time limitations, and the cost of Internet access, geographical isolation from centres of evidence-based practice and limited training opportunities. General practitioner consultations may involve multiple, ill-defined problems and the patients' views about their treatment may conflict with an evidence-based treatment approach. Rural general practitioners may require additional supports to access information from research through Internet-based resources, accessible summaries of evidence or clinical practice guidelines. In addition a model to assist rural general practitioners use evidence-based medicine is suggested. This model may enable the clinical decision-making process to integrate clinical experience, patient preferences and an understanding of the rural context of practice with the best available evidence, to in turn produce best practice.

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Suggested Citation
Taylor, J., Wilkinson, D., Blue, I., 2001, Towards evidence-based general practice in rural and remote Australia: an overview of key issues and a model for practice, Volume:1, Journal Article, viewed 18 January 2025,

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