The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey: findings to date on adolescents

The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey: findings to date on adolescents Journal Article

Medical Journal of Australia

  • Author(s): Blair, E., Zubrick, R., Cox, A.
  • Published: 2005
  • Volume: 183

Abstract: • This state-wide Aboriginal community child health survey, the first of its kind in Australia, describes physical and mental health and their antecedents in Western Australian Aboriginal children and young people. • Aboriginal young people had significantly more physical and mental health problems and were more likely to engage in lifestyle risk factors than non-Aboriginal young people. • Aboriginal young people tend to be caught up in a cycle of disadvantage that includes family and community factors as well as recent history, facilitating their making less optimal life choices, thereby perpetuating the cycle. • A coordinated approach will be required to break this cycle, in which appropriately and sympathetically provided medical MJA 2005; 183: 433–435 attention is necessary but not sufficient.

Notes: on behalf of the WAACHS Steering Committee,

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Blair, E., Zubrick, R., Cox, A., 2005, The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey: findings to date on adolescents, Volume:183, Journal Article, viewed 06 February 2025,

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