The Water Handbook: A guide for management of small water supplies in Australian Aboriginal settlements

The Water Handbook: A guide for management of small water supplies in Australian Aboriginal settlements Book

  • Author(s): Grey-Gardner, R
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: Desert Knowledge CRC

Abstract: This handbook is to help people working with, and living in small remote settlements to develop a water management plan. The focus is on remote settlements that are isolated from major or regional centres and have an Aboriginal population of one hundred or less and up to twenty dwellings. The population may be variable as residents leave the settlement for various reasons, such as fulfilling cultural obligations and accessing mainstream services. The handbook will: - share ideas and practical tips on establishing and maintaining safe water management practices for small water systems - provide guidance in developing small settlement water management plans - supplement information currently available (see Reference list). This handbook is for: - residents and people working with small and remote Aboriginal settlements.

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Grey-Gardner, R, 2008, The Water Handbook: A guide for management of small water supplies in Australian Aboriginal settlements, Book, viewed 18 January 2025,

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