The Territory Gap: comparing Australia’s remote Indigenous communities

The Territory Gap: comparing Australia’s remote Indigenous communities Report

Analysis Paper 39

  • Author(s): Gregory, Peter
  • Tertiary Author(s): Centre for Independent Studies
  • Published: 2022

Abstract: The absolute and relative deprivation experienced by Indigenous people in remote and very remote Australia is well known. However, Indigenous people in remote areas are often lumped together as a single national category. There is little understanding of how the different states and territories perform in terms of the economic wellbeing of Indigenous people in remote and very remote areas. The major finding of this research is that the Northern Territory has the worst economic outcomes for Indigenous people in remote or very remote locations of any state or territory in Australia by some margin, while South Australia has the best.

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Suggested Citation
Gregory, Peter, 2022, The Territory Gap: comparing Australia’s remote Indigenous communities, Report, viewed 25 January 2025,

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